Thinking About Botox or Fillers? Follow These 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Treatment

As you age, frown lines, crow’s feet, and other creases can appear on your face. These imperfections, which can develop around your eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, and cheeks, are a normal part of aging. But that doesn’t mean you have to like them!
Cosmetic treatments, such as Botox and dermal fillers, can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, creases, and dynamic wrinkles, which are the wrinkles that appear when you use your facial muscles.
Here at Women’s Healthcare of Princeton, we offer a variety of aesthetic services, including Botox and dermal fillers, that help restore a more youthful facial appearance. If you’re considering these services, following these 5 tips can help you prevent bruising and get the most from your treatment.
Tip #1: Choose a treatment that’s right for you
During a Botox treatment, your provider injects tiny amounts of BOTOXⓇ Cosmetic, into several places in your face. Botox is a natural, purified protein that blocks the nerve signals that cause your facial muscles to contract, so it leaves your skin with a smoother appearance.
During a dermal filler treatment, your provider injects a gel-like product that contains a substance such as hyaluronic acid. Dermal fillers help plump up facial skin that has lost volume due to aging to smooth out wrinkles and provide fullness.
Our aesthetic service providers can work with you to decide which treatment is right for you.
Tip #2: Have a pre-treatment consultation
Before you have Botox or dermal filler treatment, our aesthetics specialists advise you on how to prepare for your treatment.
For example, to reduce post-treatment bruising, we recommend that you avoid certain over-the-counter NSAID medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, for about a week before your treatment. Because these medicines impact your body’s ability to form clots, taking them can raise the likelihood of bruising.
Tip #3: Know the impact of certain medications
If you take prescription anticoagulant medications, such as warfarin, you may experience bruising. You shouldn’t stop taking them, but you can plan a day of downtime after your treatment in case bruising does occur.
Some supplements, such as fish oil, ginkgo biloba, and ginseng, have blood-thinning effects which can lead to bruising. Avoid them for about a week before your treatment.
Tip #4: Skip the tipple
Drinking alcohol can boost the chances of bruising, so avoid it for a day before and after your treatment.
Tip #5: Have ice packs on hand
Ice packs or washcloths soaked in cool water can help reduce and prevent minor bruising. Other ways to manage bruising include propping up your head with a pillow and avoiding exercise for one or two days after your treatment.
At Women’s Healthcare of Princeton in Princeton, New Jersey, we provide a full range of health and medical services to women in New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, and the greater New York City area. To learn more about our aesthetic services, call our office or use our online scheduling tool to make an appointment.
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