Why Winter is the Best Time to Begin Laser Hair Removal Treatment

As winter hits, snow begins to fall, and you start bundling up in coats and scarves and sweaters, it’s the perfect time to have laser hair removal treatment. Then by the time warm weather arrives, you’ll be ready to slip into swimsuits, sundresses, and shorts.
But that’s not the only reason to schedule laser hair removal during the next couple of months, when the temperatures plunge in New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and the New York City area. Other factors play a part, too.
Our providers at Women’s Healthcare of Princeton want to share some facts about laser hair removal that may come in handy as you make a plan.
An alternative to shaving
Laser hair removal presents a welcome solution to women who are tired of spending time waxing, shaving, plucking, bleaching, or trimming unwanted hair. It also appeals to women with unwanted facial hair due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or other medical causes.
Women appreciate laser hair removal because it offers them a safe, virtually painless and noninvasive solution.
When you have laser hair removal, we use a device that sends short pulses of laser-generated heat through your skin and into your hair follicles. The pigments in your hair follicles absorb the laser energy, which inactivates hair follicles and makes them unable to produce hair.
Laser hair removal can remove hair from your face, bikini line, legs, armpits, or wherever else you have unwanted hair.
Best on untanned skin
Laser hair removal works best on skin that is pale and untanned. If you have it done in the summer while you have a tan, you may need more treatment sessions than you would in the winter.
And because sensitivity increases temporarily in skin that’s undergone laser treatment, we advise you to avoid exposing treated skin to sunlight for several weeks afterwards.
Of course, you’re best not tanning at all. Research has linked both indoor and outdoor tanning to skin cancer, so slather on that sunscreen whenever you expose your skin.
No waxing allowed
For best results, we ask you to avoid removing hair through waxing, plucking, or electrolysis for four weeks before receiving laser treatments. (Shaving and trimming are okay, however). That’s another reason to have laser hair removal in the coldest months. Many women find it much easier to skip their usual waxing routine in the winter, when they’re covered up in clothing.
Best on darker hair
Laser hair removal works best on dark hair, because the laser targets the pigment in your hair. If you have dark hair that’s bleached by the sun or hair coloring products, we recommend you allow your hair to return to its natural color before receiving laser hair removal treatment. Some women find this easier to do in winter.
Mild irritation
Laser hair removal treatments can cause some minor skin irritation and redness. Although this irritation is temporary, you may find it simpler to cover up in winter, when you’re wearing lots of layers.
Several sessions needed
Most women require several laser hair removal sessions separated by a period of weeks. Plan ahead, and you won’t lose any beach time to laser treatments.
Make your appointment now
If you’re interested in spending less time removing or bleaching unwanted hair, call us for an appointment or book your visit online today. Using this advanced aesthetic procedure, we can help rid you of excess hair in time to bare your skin in summer.
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